Galeria de arte em casa: Como criar a sua com quadros decorativos

Art gallery at home: How to create yours with decorative frames

Art has the power to transform any space, bringing life, color and personality. And when we talk about interior decor, decorative paintings are one of the most effective and affordable ways to incorporate art into your home. Whether in the living room, office or bedroom, a well-planned curation of works can be the finishing touch needed to make your space unique and full of style. In this post, we will guide you step by step to create your own art gallery at home with decorative paintings, with tips and inspiration that will transform your home into a true sanctuary of creativity and expression.

Choose the right frames for your art gallery

Choosing paintings is the first and perhaps the most important step in creating your art curation. After all, they are the ones who will define the tone and personality of the space. But how to choose the right frames? Here are some tips to help you make choices that reflect your identity and harmonize with your decor.

How to define references

First of all, it is important to define your references. What artists, artistic movements or styles do you most admire? What colors, shapes or themes attract you? These references will help you choose paintings that really represent you and harmonize with the rest of the decor.

A good tip is to create aPinterest board with ideas and inspiration for spaces that contain good compositions of paintings, works that interest you and photographs that give the room a makeover.

Another tip is to access Ad Astra's Instagram , for good references of paintings and compositions.

Where to buy curated paintings

Nowadays, there are several options of physical and online stores where you can buy decorative paintings. One tip is to opt for stores that offer curated paintings, such as Boobam Arte or Ad Astra . This way, you have the guarantee that you are purchasing a quality work of art, selected by experts in the subject.

Set a theme and style

Defining a theme and style for your art gallery can make the process of choosing paintings much easier. You can choose a specific theme, such as nature, abstract, portraits, among others. Or you can choose an artistic style, such as modern, classic, maximalist, minimalist, ethnic, etc.

Examples of themes and styles

To inspire you, we will give you some examples of themes and styles that you can choose for the environments of your house or apartment. If you are a person who loves nature, you can opt for paintings with natural landscapes, flowers, animals, etc. If you prefer a more modern style, you can choose frames with geometric shapes, vibrant colors and bold lines. The choice is yours, and the important thing is that the paintings speak to your identity and the environment you want to create.

See below for some ideas and inspiration:

Photos: Pinterest

Organization of decorative paintings on the wall

Organizing the paintings on the wall is another crucial point in creating your art gallery. The arrangement of the paintings may vary according to the size and shape of each one, in addition to the space available on the wall.

Composition ideas

There are several ways to create your art gallery. You can opt for a symmetrical arrangement, with frames of the same size and shape aligned in a straight line. Or you can opt for a freer arrangement, with frames of different sizes and formats arranged in a more organic way. The important thing is that the layout is balanced and matches the aesthetics you want for the space.

See some references below:

Photo: House of Spoils

Photo: Architectural Digest

How to combine your frames with other objects

In addition to paintings, other decorative objects can be incorporated into your art gallery, such as mirrors, shelves, plants, affectionate objects, among others. The important thing is that everything is in harmony and contributes to creating a pleasant and aesthetically pleasing environment.

See below inspirations we selected for you:

Lighting to highlight decorative paintings

Lighting is a fundamental element to make your decorative paintings stand out. Good lighting can enhance the colors and details of works of art, as well as creating a more welcoming and sophisticated environment.

Lighting suggestions that highlight your works

Consider installing light rails aimed at each frame to create standout focal points. Directional wall lamps can also highlight works, allowing you to adjust the intensity of light according to the moment and the desired atmosphere. LED lamps with adjustable color temperature are ideal for lighting home art galleries, as they allow you to customize the light according to the needs of each work.

Care and conservation of paintings

Finally, it is important to remember that decorative paintings, like any work of art, require care for their conservation. Avoid exposing paintings to direct sunlight, humidity and sudden changes in temperature. Also, wipe them regularly with a dry cloth to remove dust.

Creating an art gallery at home with decorative paintings can be a fun and enjoyable mission. With planning and creativity, you can transform any space into a true private gallery, reflecting your personality and authenticity. And remember: art has no rules. The important thing is that your collection makes you happy when you look at it.

So, get to work and transform your home into a unique and authentic art gallery. With the right paintings, well-thought-out organization and adequate lighting, your home will become a true temple of creativity and artistic expression.

There are no limits to your imagination, and your home can become a perfect reflection of who you are. After all, is there anything more interesting than entering a house that looks like the owner? Around here we love it when we find homes that reflect the soul of their residents!