Quadro para sala de estar clean: Como escolher o modelo ideal

Clean living room painting: How to choose the ideal model

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Looking to add a touch of elegance to your living room? A picture frame could be the perfect solution! With minimalist designs and soft colors or maxi designs with a mix of colors and prints, these frames are perfect for creating an atmosphere in your space. But how do you choose the right model? Here, we’ll give you some valuable tips to help you find the perfect frame for your living room.

What is a clean living room?

Clean is an English word that means “clean”, so we understand a clean living room as an environment that gives this feeling of cleanliness, a modern and minimalist place, where there are not many colors and patterns.

A clean room is also characterized by having organic shapes, use of lighter materials and colors, as well as few decorative accessories, with just a few focal points.

Here are some examples of clean living rooms:

What does the ideal frame for a clean room look like?

Considering the decoration of a clean room, when choosing the ideal painting there are two possible directions:
  1. Minimalist painting: this style goes well with the rest of the decor, following the colors, shapes and styles, but it doesn't draw attention. Therefore, if your intention is to create a wall that stands out from the rest of the decor, a minimalist painting may not be the best option.
  2. Maximalist painting: this style of painting works with more eye-catching photographs, more imposing frames or even patterned fabrics. These paintings are perfect for someone who wants to create a focal point in their living room, but without losing the rest of the clean decor, since it will be the only color in the room.

Styles of pictures with frames or mats for a clean living room

In this topic, we will provide examples of frames and mats for both minimalist and maximalist painting styles.

Minimalist frames

  • Light Freijó Frame:

  • Dark Freijó Frame:

  • Acrylic frame:

  • Black frame:

  • White frame:

Additionally, a simple white mat also matches all these frames and can make the space even cleaner.

Maximalist paintings

For maximalist paintings that create a focal point in the space, frames that are out of the ordinary are interesting. We have brought some examples of paintings in this style from Ad Astra:
  • Carved frame: in this case, the intention was for the frame to resemble the shapes of the boats and canoes in Paraty, which is where the photograph was taken.

  • Striped frame: the photographs inside these frames were also taken in Paraty, but this time the intention was for the frames to resemble the doors and windows of the village.

  • Minimalist frame with fabric mat: Ad Astra creates a work that combines original photographs with handmade fabrics produced in the place where the photo was taken. This style of frame provides a focal point for the space, as well as telling stories from somewhere in the world.

Where to buy paintings for a clean living room

There are several places where you can buy clean living room paintings. Home decor stores, art galleries, and even online stores offer a variety of options to choose from. All of the paintings shown in this article are part of Ad Astra's portfolio.


From minimalist paintings that complement clean decor to maximalist paintings that provide the ideal contrast, a painting can be the missing touch for your clean living room decor.